This archive is an attempt to prove its affection into the world of design.


Populism is a political philosophy supporting the rights and power of the people in their struggle against a privileged elite.


1.     Populism is a logic, not an ideology.

2.     Being a populist is to perform in order to overcome a situation or a problem.

3.     A political act belongs to the public; therefore, everything is political.

4.     Any nameable material or immaterial object in nature, science and culture is public and thus political. 

5.      A problem is the antagonistic thing or situation (the opposite of what we are or want).

6.     The problem can be found by differentiating one or more characteristics from the situation.

7.     The people are the group of individuals who are being affected by the current reality of the situation.

8.    The people or “the users” are defined as a group throughout equivalences and discourse.

9.    Defining the people is a never-ending process, a constant struggle of identity. It is the reason why we search for new solutions to old and new problems.

10.   The solution or disruption consists of finding an equivalent that helps to overcome the problem.

11.   The materialization of the solution is pure discourse.

12.   A solution must be universal, as long the context remains the same group of individuals (the people).

13.   Innovation is found when we are able to name the impossible, the unnamed solution.

14.   The problem is unwanted but necessary for the existence of a new solution.

15.   The context or history of the problem can only be based on the experience of the people. Considering that each individual (of what constitutes the people or the users) experiences it differently, no solution is ever sufficient.

16.   The problem or the situation is the exercise of hegemony.

17.   The solution is the counter-hegemony presented to the world.

18.   Hegemonies will always exist; they can be visible or invisible.

19.   A new hegemony or a new solution may exist without being exercised, while the other is in place.

20.   Every design act is potentially a populist one.

21.  Any new object (natural, scientific, or cultural) can be potentially a populist one. “Anyone can be a designer”; therefore, anyone is potentially a populist.

22.  As ‘that can be named’ is a misplaced modifier that readers could mistakenly attach to ‘culture’, this new construction removes that problem.


Populism Applied



In order to build or produce change (design), it is first  necessary to recognize the oppresing problem (autocracy) and a neglected group of common discourses (the people).



The common idea represented by the new object will now be the voice of the majority (the people). This new identity challenges the most current reality (hegemony).  



In order to solve the problem a common cultural object (empty signifier) most be identified among the political discourses (the people), and adopt its universal meanings.



A new reality is produced; a new hegemony takes place. What was conformed before as the people will never the same in the future. Then a new identity will be formed.